Friday, December 9, 2011

From the mostly silent...

I'm never going to tell you to be someone, because that's who the world expects you to be. And I'm never going to tell you to follow a doctrine or a philosophy you don't believe in, because that's who your family expects you to be. I'm not going to tell you to marry a man, because you're a woman, and I'm not going to tell you to marry a woman, because you're a man. I'm a strong believer in doing what makes you happy, not just for your own sake, because your suffering, even if it is done silently, will still cause others to suffer.

I'm a believer in the self. In knowing yourself, in accepting yourself, in believing in yourself. I believe one person should never be the cause of your change, unless it is a change you see a need for.

I don't believe in accepting the opinion of the majority, simply because they are the majority. I'm never going to tell you that you should think as I do, because I am right. I'm never going to hate you. I'm never going to loathe you. I will never wish that you didn't exist. The world would not be as it is without your presence, no matter how little you think you matter.

Who you are, what you are, what you think.... it matters to me.

Despite what you might think, I care about who you are. I care about your well being. I care about your happiness. I wish nothing for you but the best.

My silence is not my lack of support, but my complete love and affection.

I wish you could hear these words in my voice, see them in my eyes, and read them in my heart. I wish for you to know that what I speak is my truth. I love you, whoever you, wherever you are, because you are you. I don't know if we'll ever meet, and I don't know if you'll ever know the person behind these words. But you, sitting out there, reading this... you're loved. You have my support, you will have my support. Do not allow yourself to fade into nonexistence. You are stronger than you think you know, and you have a stronger support system then you will ever realize.

I write these words for you. For all of you. Whoever you may be. Wherever you may be. I believe in you.