Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dear World: I am not dead. I repeat, I am not dead.

Holy fucking fuck, I haven't updated this blog in about 2 years. I haven't updated regularly in about 3 years. Oops. Now, first things first, I am not dead.

Long story short, had a job, met someone, house caught fire, got an apartment, lost a job, got a new job, got my heart broken, met someone new, got a second job, got a new job, lost my apartment, moved back home, looking for new job. And that about sums up the last 3 years.

Now that that is out of the way, officially I'm coming back to the blog world. Now, on to the actually interesting part.

Recently I was standing in the office of the school where I work, and two staff members were having a conversation about Grey's Anatomy. One of the two knows I'm gay, the other doesn't. They were talking about when the both stopped watching the show. Basically they stopped watching because they didn't like the relationship between Callie and Arizona. The comment was that they didn't like having a gay relationship shoved into their faces. And it took every ounce of control not to go into my little gay tirade.

It's a heteronormative world, everywhere you look, heterosexuals are represented, on tv, in music, books, movies, art, comic books, video games, hell even in coloring books. Heterosexual couples are constantly thrown in the faces of those of us who don't fit into that box. So excuse us for our piddling little representations, don't get pissy because you have to see a gay couple once in a fucking blue moon.

Side note, I'm horribly distracted by youtube right now. Let me tell you, I've got a Roku box in my bedroom, and recently I have added youtube to my Roku, so I'm watching some of my favorite lesbian youtube channels right now. Holy spaceballs batman, that was a run on sentence. Fuck it, I'm rusty, and this post is a little.... forced. But I'm working on it. My goal is to get back to posting at least every Sunday. But just a quick update, hello, I'm alive!


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