Monday, May 23, 2011

Well... that was interesting...

Many if not most of you are aware that I was presenting at my Colloquium tonight for my Master's Degree. This is essentially the final step between me and my degree and my teaching license. I was originally scheduled to present several weeks ago, but I fell ill, and then I fell down my stairs. So my original presentation didn't happen.

Fast forward a couple weeks... to well now.

Tonight I was scheduled to present at 8:30. Presentations began at 5 and I was required to be there for every presentation.

But let's rewind a little bit... to yesterday.

So I worked all weekend, but on Sunday morning I had to get up for work at 7 am. So when I got home from work I had some work I needed to finish on my portfolio. Well, as most of us know, I procrastinate.... a lot. So anyway, I was up all night... procrastinating, eventually I got my to do list for last night done around 5 am, and then went to sleep for a couple hours.

Now we're on today.

Got up at 8 and took a shower before going downstairs to finish up the last couple things I needed to do for my portfolio. It was about that point that I realized I was missing one of the 7 artifacts I needed for my portfolio as well as 4 slides for my powerpoint.

So let me just point out that I was having a dandy of a day. 

I finish up all my work, get dressed and still have time to run through my presentation one time before I had to head out the door. However, I hadn't eaten all day, I hadn't had any caffeine and I was operating on only three hours of sleep.

So I get over to school, I pick up some paperwork I need, drop off a few other things and then I'm downstairs waiting for things to get started. So okay, we make it through the first 4 presentations, we're doing well on time. Then we get to the first of the guys, who... strikes me as incompetent and it was at that point that my Program Director and one of the instructors starts asking questions that I'm thinking "Oh Dear God, I'm screwed."

Also, about this point the weather has picked up, and we're hearing a few things through text, and what not about tornadoes doing some damage in the area. But I let it go. So we get through the next presentation. And then we're on the last guy before it's my turn.

The weather has picked up and midway through his presentation the power goes out. At that point, the building is running on emergency power and there is no one to continue using our powerpoints. The guy who was presenting was far enough along in his presentation that he could finish his.

I, however, was screwed. I was given the option of presenting without my PowerPoint or coming back another night. So... screw that, I chose to present. Luckily, one of the other presenters had her laptop, so at the very least the head of my program could see my PowerPoint while I talked. Luckily I had made up some note cards before I left the house. But we're getting through the presentation, and I'm having to change my presentation style to accommodate the fact that I have no visuals for everyone else to see. So...let's just say I made it through.

Afterwards, I'm asked some questions, at which point I realize that my research is completely skewed. I forgot to take into account several changes I made which increased the amount of variables in my research. I manage to make my way through the questions and a couple conversations after my presentation with no problems. But it's after that that we come to realize that there were tornado alarms going off the whole time I was presenting. (Reminds me of my undergrad graduation)

Then I almost got in a car accident on the way home. To sum up.... it was an interesting night.

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