Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Damn Whiny Bitches

Okay, so I had given up on writing a blog tonight. Mostly because my words are getting all muddled and I can't even keep my thoughts straight. (straight...get it.... it was punny) Anyway, some people decided to whine about it, so let's see what I can come up with for tonight.  This is probably going to be random as all hell, just a warning.

So, I'm apparently being especially gay tonight. Never mind the fact that my pajamas for tonight are boxers and a tank top. Never mind the fact that I just bought new rainbow earrings. Never mind the fact that I'm thinking about getting a gold star tattoo. Oh no, what makes me especially gay tonight is the fact that I had an incredible urge to watch Mamma Mia and I'm now propped up in my bed between two golden retrievers singing along to the DVD.

Side note, you guys are taking over my life. I picked up an app for my iphone so I can blog easier straight from my phone. And I'm already thinking ahead to what I can do for Sunday's lesbian fun and games night. (just for the record, an account with pogo.com might be useful.) Also, Sunday's blog is aiming to be posted by 6 pm EST, so that gives time for people to figure out if you're joining the fun or not. (I vote for joining the fun)

I have a goal of  getting on a regular posting schedule.... but that's going to take some consideration and scheduling on my part to figure out. I think Sunday's are going to be kept for fun and games night. Just because it's fairly amusing for me. Although I'm still not sure how the mad-lib from last weeks worked out. So... if you guys did the mad-lib and came up with anything interesting feel free to share it.

I'm a nerd for mythology. I really am. I have like 15 books on the subject, just because I find it fascinating.

(I've started filling in this blog with just random information at this point, just to make a certain couple little whiny bitches happy by having posted something.)

My room currently smells like incense and I haven't burn any in months. Apparently the stuff I bought over the weekend is strong enough to make my room smell good without even lighting it.

As crazy as my kids make me, I wouldn't trade my job for anything in the world. Even if I am only student teaching right now. I love it, absolutely love it. One of my students asked me why I wanted to teach today, and I told her the truth, I love what I do, I love being in the classroom and working with my students. She gave me this look like I was insane, but it's so true, I can't even help it.

Because my kids drive me crazy I have to look forward to the little moments that make things worth it. I have 130 8th graders every day. And at this age they're just plain nuts. But I love it. I love the silly ridiculous things they do. I love it when one of my kids is being a goof and introduces himself to the paper he's writing. I love it when one of them makes a zombie joke on their quiz. I love it when they tie themselves together and then fall over. I love their silly goofy things. They drive me out of my mind sometimes, but I love my job.

Lately when I have problems sleeping I listen to audiobooks on my iphone. The problem with that is that I tend to get caught up in what I'm listening to, and then I can't fall asleep. So I figured out that I have to listen to something I can't understand. As a result, I've been listening to fairy tales... in Russian. Let's see if osmosis really works. I might even switch over to some text books later this week.

I was going to write another couple paragraphs of random information, but I really am falling asleep while typing this. While some of you might enjoy the potential typos, as an English teacher, I can not approve. So, we're leaving this here. I am going to bed. Thursday night should probably be my next blog post... and hopefully I'll figure out what I'm writing about further in advance this time, though I am open to suggestions.

Good night my lovelies.


  1. Good job on the blog. It was (mostly) coherent.

  2. I love your randomness. :) Also, I want to meet the kid that introduces himself to his paper. This cracked me up.

  3. btw, this was the result of my mad lib attempt.. lol.

    Well Salutations there yummy lady. How are you this fine Thursday? I think you are very cold. Would you like to walk the dog with me? I've heard that you like chicken. Would you like to have hats with me? Perhaps after we could go to Lowe's? Maybe then we can go swimming back at my place? You can stay for months. My place has a great coffee pot. I think we could get really fluffy together. I'd like to run your badge all night long. Are you shiny for this?

  4. Brandon would be proud. Fairy tales in Russian. Now are they Russian fairy tales or Grimm's fairy tales traslated into Russian?
