Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Way the Story Goes

Every story starts the same. Boy meets Girl, Girl meets Girl, or Boy meets Boy. So maybe they don't start exactly the same, but it's the same premise in every story. They meet, one loves, they both love, and a connection develops. It's the ending that varies. For the lucky ones, the hopeful ones, the determined ones, there is no ending. But for most of us... the ending comes, often unexpectedly often, there is never a warning, no giant sign of discontent. The unhappiness sneaks in at the corners of the night and one morning we just wake up and realize that the love is gone. Maybe the love isn't gone for both of the players, but for one of them... it's over. And all that's left is to break the heart of the one they professed their undying love for.

If you're like me then you've been on the heart breaking end of the story more than once. Every time it falls apart it seems like it will be the last time. It seems like you can no longer rebound, no longer pull yourself together. If you're like me... then you've given up on love. Don't be like me.

Don't give up. Remind yourself every day of the things that make you laugh, of the moments that make you smile, of the friends who will do their damndest to make you laugh. Find joy in your memories, find happiness in the love of friends, find peace in knowing this is not the end.

There is always hope, there is always a tomorrow, there will always be another chance for love, don't give up.

Some things to make you laugh:

[03:01] <spuernam> you can be the keeper of my chicker
[03:01] <Sarah> thanks :)
[03:01] <Jess> lmao
[03:01] <Sarah> ur chicker..?
[03:01] <spuernam> *chicken
[03:01] <spuernam> lol
[03:01] <spuernam> that too
[03:01] <Jess> here chicker chicker chicker
[03:01] <Jess> here chicker chicker chicker

<spuernam> I can't help it. you have my chicken and sarah has my stick
[00:16] <partied_out_gia> WIDGET - noun - a penguin with the ability to maintain airbornity (it can fly. Duh.).

[21:00] <gia_pet> head grows green things and i walk around singing gi-gi-gi-gia!!

[23:37] <Meegs> *plays with rubber duck*
[23:37] <Sarah> lmao
[23:37] <Nina> sex in the water, anyone?

[00:29] <gia_pet> looking at a girl and liking her hair is not the same as looking at a girl and wanting to tangle your hands in her hair

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a solar powered calculator?
A: The blonde works in the dark!
Q: How can you tell if a blonde has been using the computer?
A: The joystick is wet.
Q: What does a blonde put behind her ears to make her more attractive?
A: Her ankles.
Q: What do you say to a Blonde that won't give in?
A: "Have another beer."
Q: What do Blondes say after sex?
A1: Thanks Guys.
A2: Are you boys all in the same band?
A3: Do you guys all play for the Green Bay Packers?
Q: How do you make a blonde's eyes twinkle?
A: Shine a flashlight in their ear.
Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common?
A: The more you bang it the looser it gets.

Remember that things will always get better, that no matter how heart broken and lost you may feel, there will always be someone there to lead you on, and remember that you are loved.

Don't get lost in the memories when you have a future to look towards. Don't let assholes who break your heart destroy you, pick yourself up and let your friends glue you back together. (Don't forget, all good lesbians come equipped with a bottle of Gorilla Glue, just in case)

Remember to laugh. Remember you are loved. Remember you are important. Remember you will find happiness, I know you will.

I love you sunshine.

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