Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Obviously Gay Traits: or how I fit the Lesbian Stereotype

My last couple blogs have been just a little bit on the heavy side. So this one is going to be a little bit different. What follows is a semi humorous look at my Obviously Gay Traits. Hopefully we all get a few laughs at this.

Shoes. We all have them. Some of us, in typical female fashion, have at least 20 pairs. But for the purposes of my gayness... we have the five pairs of shoes I wear most. So, starting clockwise from the top left we have:
Steel Toe Boots... a necessity. Mine came in handing a couple summers ago when I worked maintenance and grounds-keeping at an observatory. I spent three months riding a big John Deere lawn mower decked out in a baseball hat, sunglasses and a tank top. 
My black converse. A gift from my sister for serving as the Maid of Honor at her wedding. Let's just point out that they looked great with my dress at the reception.
The blue denim converse. This pair of shoes is older than I am. They belonged to my dad when he was in High School and I found them when I was 17 and I've been wearing them ever since. 
Okay, the next two pairs are pretty standard. Simple black dress shoes and a well worn pair of sneakers. Both pairs are work shoes and get worn a lot. 
My favorite pair isn't pictured, but really, I've got a great pair of black wingtips that I found at Goodwill a few years ago and I absolutely adore them.
So... based on my shoes alone... I might be slightly gay.   

 Let me just point out that I own not one, not two, but five flannel shirts. (And a pair of flannel pajama pants, but that's neither here nor there.) I love my flannel shirts and I usually end up tossing one on as soon as I get home from work and change my clothes. So I might be a little more gay.

Rainbow bracelet? Check. Rainbow ribbon? Check. Clunky watch with rainbowish face? Check. Big shiny thumb ring? Check. Gaydar? Still in the mail somewhere... (seriously... I don't have one.) But I do have all my necessary jewelry. 

Dogs. I have three. Two golden retrievers and a toy poodle. My bedroom is a testament to that, the dogs have a water bowl and a basket of toys in my room, not to mention a comfy looking dog bed. I'm not sure they know if they bed is comfy, because they always sneak into my bed when I'm not looking. Seriously, I love my dogs, I spend more time with my dogs then I do people. Oops.

Ahhh, the dvd collection. No lies, this is only the part of the dvd collection that's relevant to this post. If it's a TV show with a pairing that has the slightest hints of lesbian subtext then I've watched it. If I've found it on dvd and could afford it, I've bought it. I would like to point out that the lesbian based films that I own generally actually have somewhat happy endings. (I really don't subscribe to the whole depressing ending thing, I like to laugh, and sad movies don't do it for me.) But really, any good lesbian has at least a few of these movies. I highly recommend Out at the Wedding by the way, it's pretty much hilarious. Yes... yes indeed, I am gay.

Music. Alright, most of my music collection is digital so I was hard pressed to find some cd's to illustrate this point. But what I do have on cd is fairly accurate. Broadway recordings, Uh Huh Her and Jennifer O'Connor. Gay.

 I have a degree in Literature, let me illustrate that point first. I have books, I have a lot of books, over 700. So my books are arranged by fiction and non fiction. And you can tell by the top picture that my non fiction selections include books on homosexuality, lesbian humor, homophobia, and the always popular Lesbian Kama Sutra. (Which was an awesome gift from one of my Gay boys one year. Side note.... he's terrified of the pictures in the book. It's hilarious.) 
But beyond my non fiction selections, my fictional sections on the gay end of things are lacking. Wicked... yeah, Elpheba and Glinda (Galinda) were a little gay together, I swear. A couple Fannie Flagg novels... including of course, Fried Green Tomatoes. (Love it.) The works of Sappho... obviously gay. (sorta) And we all love Rizzoli & Isles, so some of us ran out to start reading the books. And ... well alright, I threw in The Princess Bride because it's a classic and I just love it. But over all, yeah I'm pretty sure I'm a little bit gay.

Oh yeah, and for New Years Eve best friend and I made about 150 Jello shots, in a rainbow of colors. Awesome! (this is obviously just a sampling...and one orange was orange flavored, the other was creamsicle!)

Alright folks, on a scale of straight to gay, where do you fall? 

Also, we'll probably return to our more serious entries soon, but I figured we could all use something a little more light hearted tonight.

Oh yeah, and I once applied for a job at Home Depot, just for the joy of filling the stereotype. =D

Oh yeah, and thanks Listy for giving me an idea for my title!


  1. You are totally gay. And I mean that as the highest of compliments.
